趣文网 > 小学生作文 > 节日作文 > 关于劳动节的作文


2019-12-17 06:30:01

May Day is coming, it is my bad day. Mother again and again, again and again said to me: "you should labor labor, labor day don't rock the boat at home."

And I don't take it seriously, everywhere to beat at home. Mother saw it, and cried: ' 'you don't rock the boat here, give me sweep the floor! ' 'so I just casually to sweep up, my left and a right swing, in a short time is just like my mom said to me he was finished. Mother saw the dust of the ground, angry criticism way: "do you still like this, nothing. You still washing clothes!" I was puzzled: "why always let me do the housework? Forget it, forget it, is it not washing clothes, washing." The same careless I wash up, clothes are dirty! Wash is about the same. I'm beat!

Mother saw the clothes, do a piece of a piece of stains, crestfallen said: "you still can't change the bad habits, forget it, you play go!" "Bad habits? Is there?" I keep thinking, suddenly enlighted, originally the live mother do every day, and a bitter didn't shout, I so long to do once, complained bitterly. Mother is really hard!






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