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2020-05-23 12:33:01



Recently, the emergence of the new coronavirus has made people talk about the color change of "poison", but at the same time, people are also paying attention to the selfless angels in white, who are the "most lovely people" today.


The loveliness of the angel in white is not only the appearance, but also the kindness and purity of the heart. At the time of Spring Festival and family reunion, they chose to leave their relatives and come to the front line of anti epidemic treatment and care for those infected patients. They wear layer after layer of protective clothing. In order to reduce the number of times they go to the bathroom, they will wear diapers, drink less water and only have a meal and sleep for a few hours a day. But they never say they are bitter, just smile and say that this is our duty as a medical worker. We cant help but lament the selflessness and greatness of medical workers!


Angel in white is the backbone of China. Lu Xun said in the article "have the Chinese lost their self confidence?" that "since ancient times, there have been people who have been working hard, working hard, asking for lives for the people, and sacrificing their lives." Now there are health care workers dedicated to the country. They are the backbone of China. Zhang Dingyu, the president of Jinyintan hospital, is suffering from a terminal illness. His wife has been infected but he is still fighting for more than 30 days in the front line of anti epidemic. Because of the suffering of progressive frostbite, he has a rough road. But he said: I have to run faster to win the time to get more patients back from the virus. His deeds touched us, let us always remember that Wuhan, China has such a good president! We admire academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, who once led medical workers to fight against SARS successfully. Now he is fighting in the front line of anti epidemic again. Zhong Lao, regardless of the risk, goes to Wuhan in the dining chair of the motor car without a ticket. He tries to find out the source of the virus as soon as possible and make a treatment plan for the patients to fight against the virus. Zhong Laos spirit of dedication and selflessness is worth learning. They are my idols, they are the real stars! www.zuowenla.cn


We should cheer for the angel in white, cheer for Wuhan, cheer for China, and shoulder this disaster hand in hand. At the same time, we should also contribute to the war without gunpowder. In fact, it can be a simple contribution. It can be a sentence in the circle of friends: "come on, angel in white, come on, China!" It can also be a praise for angels in the media such as shaking hands, fast hands, and so on for China. I will also save my pocket money to donate money for Wuhan, let us do something for the epidemic and contribute our meager strength to this challenge to China.

以上就是小编为大家整理的高二年级关于2020年疫情的英语作文,同学们还有其他学习上的问题,可拨打免费课程咨询热线电话:4000 121 121 .那里有专业的老师为大家解答。



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