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2020-05-24 08:51:02

★以下是无忧考网英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的《初三经典英语作文带翻译 我的初中生活 My Life in Middle School》,供大家参考。更多内容请看本站频道。

I have studied in my middle school for three years.My life in middle school is rich and I have learned a lot. I get knowledge from text books as well as from extra curricular activities. I studied hard in the past three years so that I got perfect scores. But, I also attach importance to other aspects, such as making friends, hobbies, health and sports. I build good relationships with my classmates. They become an important part of my life.I like to chat with them after class that makes me relax and comfortable. My hobby is swimming. Every Sunday morning, I go to swim with my friends or my father. When I have fun, I build a healthy body. Its so great to me. In one word, my life in middle is colorful and unforgettable.我已经在初中学习了三年了。我的初中生活很丰富,我也学到了很多。我从课本和课外活动学到了知识。在过去的三年里,我努力学习因而取得了满意的分数。但是,我也重视其他方面,比如交友,爱好,健康和运动。我与班上同学建立了良好的关系。他们成了我生活中重要的一部分。课后我喜欢跟他们聊天,这使我觉得放松和舒服。我的爱好是游泳。每周六早上,我都和朋友或者爸爸去游泳。我们在玩耍的同时也锻炼了健康的身体。这对我来说很棒。总之,我的初中生活丰富且难忘。

初三经典英语作文带翻译 我的初中生活 My Life in Middle School.docWord文档到电脑,方便收藏和打印[全文共689字]编辑推荐:Word文档



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