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2020-08-11 08:45:01



My hometown is a remote small mountain village, but I like it like that after the rain the soil fragrance, where people are friendly and hospitable, birds pleasant cried streams flowed to the branches, I in shenzhen and I have seen such a beautiful landscape, water pollution, the animal cruelty to kill these signs are that how unfriendly the city people do not know the value of life.

Looked at the grass faint stream could not help but want to take off the shoes, the foot gently into the river. Ah! Really cool, really, really comfortable. Then with the lovely small fish shrimp in the water, in the field of large yams, occasionally found a frog.

Pulled out a few sweet potatoes, next to dig a hole, doing the test yams, very sweet. Looked at the blue sky, eating delicious sweet potatoes, standing on the feet soft water, listening to the singing frog elder brother.

Time to eat, although is not like in their own home, there is no greater than meat to eat, but have their enthusiasm to keep on the very satisfied! After a while, sister brought a bowl of sweet corn soup. Play a day also hungry, and big drink up, ah! Hometown of corn were sweet, tender and juicy, sweet mouth, quite and end on a dish of cabbage, heard that is a big jiu drawn back to the field, especially delicious called me to try, I pick up a piece of pure Chinese cabbage, although he looks ugly, the taste is not can use words! Crispy and double have a cool and not be bored with of good taste!

This is my home to introduce, a lonely but beautiful place!







My hometown is a place of agricultural products is very rich. For example: a delicious banana, orange juice taste more beauty and eat papaya can keep word beauty... Etc.

At present, the township Po is toward diversified development, agricultural products actively improved crops. For example: the yam yam noodle is made; Made of stone and stone lotus lotus tea, let love beautiful people raise colour and beauty, also can fill gas, really serve several; Luffa affordable and economical and practical, the farmers think of opportunely made of sponge gourd dew, can beauty, both natural and environmental protection.

The Po township, in addition to food and sweet fruit taste every, you must not miss contact with beautiful scenery of nature and natural hot springs. If you want to preserve ones health, remember to bubble, a bubble hot spring, a breath of fresh air, by the way, let your body and mind immersed in the embrace of nature. In addition, you can come green surplus farm, can appreciate the farm, a rare animals or close to kerry, sat on a big lawn grass, by the way, enjoy the breeze blowing face, enjoy the evening sunset, this is really a enjoy life.

Can live in this beautiful place, I will hold dear, and villagers to do a good job of environmental protection, efforts to recommend home characteristics. If you come to Po township, please be sure to feel her good.



到了埔乡,除了品尝每位的食品和香甜的水果之外,你一定不能错过接触大自然的美好风景和天然温泉。如果你要养生,记得到温泉泡一泡,顺便呼吸一下新鲜的空气,让自己的身心陶醉在大自然的怀抱中。另外,还可以来一趟绿盈农场,欣赏农场里稀有的动物或是可以亲近小乳牛,顺便坐 在一片绿茵的大草地上,享受微风吹过脸庞的感觉,欣赏傍晚晚霞,这真是人生一大享受。


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