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2020-08-21 17:12:01

保护环境的英语作文60词(附翻译) >>>> 保护环境的英语作文60词(附翻译)

2018 03 07


保护环境的英语作文 第1篇:

In the forest, groups of trees, flowers in full bloom. W as usual, settled on a tree east peck peck, peck peck, in an effort to save the tree.

Suddenly, it saw an intruder a lumberjack, and was holding a pair of wood chopper in cut down a tree, and idly smoking a cigarette. Snapping 1, cigarette butts haven t put out was he ruthlessly fell to the ground. Didn t he don t know, put out the cigarette may cause a fire? Look at he was staring, eyes shining appearance, saw a lot of money coming toward him must!!!! Woodpecker angry thought, immediately raised a nameless fire! Woodpeckers flew to quickly the woodcutter s back, with a sharp mouth pecked his head. Peck, thought: it seems like locust tree grandpa is not wrong, the human mind there really is greed worm! Otherwise, why cut down a tree? Why and destruction of resources, do damage to the environment? Simply, do good deeds, to this piece of wood therapy!!!! The lumberjack the woodpecker attacks, at that time have no reaction to come over, paused was holding his head thrown off wood chopper ran quickly!

Through the cartoon, revealed the endless greed and lust. Through this cartoon satire of the human, telling people to cherish resources, protecting the environment! Yes! Hugo once said, let the wind no longer abroad and in the earth a green ground! Human destroy the natural environment, have also been punished, sandstorm, mud rock flow, drought, floods and other countless natural disaster. Caused countless people sacrifice, is a human deserving.

With joy dance steps, stop sand, make the birds dance, make the green!


突然,它看见一位不速之客 一位伐木工人,正拿着一把柴刀在砍树,一边还悠闲地抽着烟。 啪嗒 一声,烟头还没熄灭就被他无情地摔到了地上。难道他不知道,没熄灭的烟头会引起火灾吗?看着他目不转睛,两眼放光的样子,一定看见了许多钞票朝他飞来了吧!啄木鸟气愤的暗想道,顿时升起了一股无名之火!啄木鸟飞快地飞到那个伐木工人的背上,用尖尖的嘴巴啄他的脑袋。一边啄,一边暗想:看来槐树爷爷的话真没有错,人类的脑子里真的有 贪婪虫 !要不然,干嘛砍树呢?干嘛破坏资源,干嘛破坏环境呢?干脆,做做善事,给这段木头治治病吧!那位伐木工人突遭啄木鸟袭击,一时没反应过来,愣了一下便飞快地扔下柴刀捂着脑袋就跑了!



保护环境的英语作文 第2篇:

My hometown is a beautiful small village, my father said that the original home of hanging about the village, is full of trees behind the house, lush and green all the year round, there is a small river east village, the water crystal clear, fish, the sky was crystal clear.

The few families lived in the village, the life is comfortable, but I don t know since when, the environment began to deteriorate. Say we river first, she was now the sewage river, there is a paper mill in the waste water into the river, the river with a layer of white foam, stinking, former aquatic plants and the fish disappeared, flowers reflection of the river was gone. Dad said the river but he was a child often play place, now people here to hurry past, wu hold its mouth. The river when you are sad all the day.

The earth is our home, a good environment is the premise of our happy life. In order to our survival homeland to sweet and comfortable, I put forward three Suggestions:

The industrial wastewater emissions don t, best can recycle after unified handling.

Second life garbage recycling, in order to reuse. Called on people to care for the environment, and in some poor hygiene area eye catching warning label.

Three to supervision and control of air pollution, especially for those emissions exceed the chimney rectification within a time limit.

Around us there are many people environmental protection consciousness, I hope more people join the ranks of environmental protection, let the home environment is becoming more and more good.








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