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请大家帮我写篇英语作文 假如你是一名校园小记者 上周末你对一些同学的周末活动进行

2020-09-24 15:55:02

Last weekend,I did a survey on students activities at weekends.During the survey,I found different students would do different things on Sunday.Last Sunday afternoon,I interviewed several students.First,I asked WangLi who would read books in the library at 4:00 on Saturday.At that time,HaoWei would play basketball on the playground.At 4:30,I interviewed GaoXing.He said he would do his homework at home.At 4:50,I asked LiMeili.She said she would buy some snacks in the store.Finally,at 5:30,I got the last interviewee FanBinbin.She told me that she would surf on the Internet at home.From this interview,I find students life at weekends is colorful and different people have different interest.

请大家帮我写篇英语作文 假如你是一名校园小记者 上周末你对一些同学的周末活动进行了采访 现在请你根据采访内容 给校报写一篇调查报告.NameWhenWhereActivitiesWangLiat4:00onSaturdayintheli作业帮



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