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2020-09-28 23:30:01

I am a orphan who have lived in orphanage and have kept a photo since I was seven years old. Thiss a photo which portrays my appearance of my mum, I was given this photo by the dean of orphanage when I first came to the place. Even I stay in an orphanage, theres a woman visits me once a year. She always tells me how nice and tender my mum is and ask me to visit her when I grow up. Sometimes, I just curious if my mum is really nice, how could she dont come to visit me. But I know, I really want to visit her at least once when I grow up as I want to believe no parents dont love their child, I want to ask her the reason that I stay in orphanage and imagine how gentle that shell treat me. I hope this is not an illusion and I decide to visit her once after three years.简要:我是住在孤儿院的孤儿,我得到了一张我妈妈样子的照片,我想待我长大后,我想看看她.这是因为我想相信没有父母不爱自己的孩子和一名每年看我一次的女人告诉我,我的妈妈是一个很不错的人.



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