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2020-09-29 05:55:01

> > > > 初一英语作文我的家人200字初一英语作文我的家人200字发布时间:2020 03 25



I have a happy family, but only to the holiday to the family reunion together. When we are together, sometimes noisy, sometimes happy, my family is a vibrant family.

The house has a timid I. On one occasion, my dad is not at home, mother to work, only my brother and I at home. My brother and I watch TV while eating snacks, suddenly a gust of wind blowing, the branches outside shaking, my brother and I saw, frighten into a ball and hide in bed can t come out. Wait outside heard nothing, we didn t stick your head out. Then I shut the window, think so that it can be not afraid, but soon and have a voice says, shout I thought that the ghost again, scared shaking with fear. You said if I was very timid?

I have a nagging mother at home. Wake me up early in the morning every day, and then said a endless. A moment to ask me: the quilt up? Clothes neatly? Look at you, face is not clean. Have a say: quick to eat, eat a meal to do his homework. But my homework hasn t done much, she has come: jumping rope? Still not quick to jump rope. I had to go to skip rope. The rope didn t jump a few times, she said again: to write your homework, don t want to play. ...... My god, this is my nagging mom. Every day, she does not nag like days can t live like this, if you come home to play, some will think she is very tired.

Home not only has a timid I and nagging mom, there is a frequent flyers father. Because he is the pillar of in the home, there are endless things busy from morning till night. Today to hangzhou, go to Beijing tomorrow, the day after tomorrow to... Tonight, very not easy family get together for a meal, but by three o clock in the morning, daddy is gone, it turns out that my dad was on a business trip.

By the way, I have a younger brother of the mean. Remember once, my mother bought a pie, she let my brother bigger half give to me, as a result, he assigned me a small, also to bite the above two to me.

This is my family. I hope my mother no longer such a nag, dad is too busy, don t brother to learn and easy, I m no longer timid, the family is getting better and better, our family is becoming more and more HeHeMeiMei.


My family has five people, they are my grandma, sister, mom, dad and I.

My father is a veritable version, he is 43 years old this year. My dad just begin to eat, swallowing. See him eat no don t say his appetite is big, is to eat this to my father s weight to 200 pounds. He used to say to want to lose weight, but not the perseverance, still can t reduce it by now.

My mother 100 catties, and my father was not a bit like, mom is very like knitting a sweater. She had the time, began to knit a sweater. My sweater is my mother. My sweater who see who will boast mom ingenuity. Therefore, I am very proud.

My sister is a very learned of the college students. She is very like reading, as long as she saw a book, who all don t want to wake her up. My homework as long as there is obstacle , I asked my sister, elder sister with me one by one, I understand this problem.

My grandmother is 66 years old, but she had a bad. When I play with her arm wrestling are often defeated by her. She burned the food is delicious, eating people say grandma cooked food. You don t look at her old, but she can do everything, I admire her very much.

I am a very naughty boy, I like playing basketball and football. I am home pistachio nuts, often make family in distress situation. I have done very well at school, learning is often a sucker. If you want to make friends with me, then write to me!

This is my family.


That afternoon, I quickly ran back to the home, because, my father and mother to take me to go camping.

Just into the house, he saw mother to backpack filled with food, dad carrying a grill, is waiting for me to come back, I quickly take some fruit, then cheerfully on the road.

Lin Yin trails in the country, our car ran all the way. I open the window, ah! The mountain air is fresh! Smell the unique nature and pure and fresh taste, we harbor the joyful mood to the destination.

Dad found a flat by the brook. Yo, stretch a tree with a big umbrella, the masking of the sun to live, in the cast went underground and finely flare, beautiful!

Honey, what are you looking at, go to help your mother take barbecue shelf! Dad looked at is a daze said.

Good! I readily promised!

Which mom, let me help you. I excitedly cried, can t wait to hand in the grill, haven t wait me to react, into the mother worked so hard to take whole flat shelf.

I had to go to help dad wash the lotus root, and the father said, you still go to help me bunch of lotus root, a string two... I m glad to received this task, the lotus root piece on the bamboo stick, mother s shelves set up at this moment, I act as Courier again, put the string of good lotus root on the grill. Mother and brought some roast string, fish is on the shelf, and then put the ingredients, chili sauce on it with the brush brush, one side was turned back and forth.

Fragrance pubi come, well? I can t wait to get a list to send.

Ah, is really good!

Haven t baked, what the hurry ah. Barbecue, mother grabbed my hands on fire, be careful ate have loose bowels!

I spit spit tongue, swallowed saliva, wait a few minutes, the red fire, smelling the fragrance of fragrant aroma, ear listen sloped from the droplets into the fire, the sloped music, taste the delicious barbecue, we happy mood is self evident.

The orange ball of fire burning of the sky, round, quietly go to west, throwing up all along the way shine, to the distant mountains with an impressive couple changing dreams. Under the tree, our laughter spread to far, far away.

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