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2020-10-12 17:05:01

在当今社会,随着生活水平的提高,人们开始越来越关注自身的健康状况.我们都知道,拥有一个健康的身体,无论是对个人还对家庭都是大有裨益的;当我们身体健康的时候,工作、学习起来也十分快乐.那么如何才能爱护自己的身体,拥有健康的人生呢?在我看来,如果你能够养成良好的生活习惯,拥有健康是不难做到的.第一,必须改掉喜欢熬夜的做法,坚持早睡早起,这样第二天也有足够的精神学习工作.第二,做好个人卫生.勤洗澡、勤换衣服,同时也搞好周围的环境卫生.第三,还应该多吃蔬菜水果,做到不挑食、不偏食,保证身体营养均衡.总之,只要我们能够持之以恒,善待我们的身体,相信我们会拥有一个健康快乐的人生!Nowadays,with the living standard improving,more and more poeple begin to pay attention to their healthy conditions.As we all kown,having a good body is tne most benefit ,no matter to theirselves and the whole family.And when your body is in good condition,we will feel happy in our work,So how can we protect our body,to get a healthy life?As far as im concerned,you can have health easily,if you can develop good habbits.First,we must keep our hours,not to stay up late.if so,in the next day,we can have enough energies to do our work.Second,we should maintain good personal hygiene.Often take a shower,frequently change clothes.Third,we are supposed to eat more vegetables and fruits.Not picky eaters,not a partial eclipse,to ensure balanced nutrition.In a word,only can we persevere these habbits,treat our body well,we will have a healthy and happy life!



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