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2020-10-17 07:00:01

When you walk in the clean and spacious streets, when you shut the garbage on the floor, do you think this comfortable, beautiful environment of the creator? It all creation, hard work is the great industrious sanitation workers crystallization. Just when the day dawn, hard working sanitation workers armed with a broom, summarized son, came empty street, hard to sweep up the street to. They put every local streets are clean up the house, from left off a corner, never dropping a speck of dust in the world autumn leaves as fire, sanitation workers with the joy of harvest, with a bright smile, confidently waving a broom, originally filthy streets to clean up organized . One day, I rode a bike wandering in the streets, a thin figure sanitation workers came into my eyes. Suddenly, from the head over a black taxi. Just after the car beside that sanitation workers moment, opened the window, then, a nasty man threw a bag of garbage from the window. looking at the spotless street suddenly a pack of lies do cause vomiting garbage, as if a dirty white adorable angel around dirty, ugly devil. I could not help but heart "Ko Deng," look, perhaps out of pity for sanitation workers. at this time, I saw that a white hat with a white mask, with orange sleeves skinny arm sanitation workers took a large broom and pinch sub strode hateful garbage bag next to him, forcefully incorporated into the garbage pick son, poured into a roadside garbage trucks. the sanitation workers move, won everyone her favor, we are in the heart of this honorable man thumbs up.

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