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2020-10-21 00:20:02




图画作文: 一屋不扫何以扫天下

We cansee clearly from the cartoon there is a father talking with her son. Havingheard his son’s words that “ Dad, I am a bit worried about disposing of nuclearweapon.” The father replies that “ If you can empty the dustbin here, you cando anything”.

Just as is revealed in the picture above, the young, nowadays, just like the boy in the drawing, are prone to reach for what is beyond their grasp, but ignore the significance of doing something trivial and simple before accomplishing great feats.

There is no doubt that the symbolic meaning subtly conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration. As we all know, a man who does not sweep a room, doesnt mention to sweep the world. In other words, the foundations of a building must be strong, or else the whole structure will fall down someday. Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in doing every tiny thing well around you.

As the saying goes, “the highest eminence is to be gained step by step.” To achieve the goal, not merely do we need ambition; we also need to realize the importance of dealing with triviality from the beginning. Only in this way can we get on the way to success down to earth.

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