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英语作文:假如你是tom 你的美国朋友生病了 写一封邮件给他 建议她多运动 吃健康食

2020-10-21 04:50:01

求英语作文:假如你是Tom,你通过学习认识到健康对于我们每个人来说是非常重要的,但你的父母天天忙于工作而忽略了这个问题,你很为他们担忧,请你以此为话题,并结合提示给他们写一封信. 作业帮: Dear DadMum,You re so busy every day that you don t pay much attention to your... please accept my advice. I really wish you healthy!Your loving son daughterTom Mary...英语作文 假如你是tom 介绍你最好的朋友john: hello,tom.my name is john.i am student.i am 16 years old.英语作文假如你是Tom,你好朋友是lucy,她说她身体不佳,要你告诉他在饮食睡觉运动情绪上给出建议用上healthyfood,domoreexercise,enoughsleep,keephappy. 作业帮: Dear lucy,I am sorry to hear that you are not well.Ican give you some advice to make you feel better.First of all,youshoud eat the heathy food every day.second you can try your best to do more exercis...书面表达英语作文假如你是tom,向别人介绍你的家人: dear tom:how are you these days?i miss you so much that i really want to see you soon.i am now in cambridge university in british.we have only four classes everyday here and we do not have many homework to do.the study here is not very hard but ...英语作文假如你是tom,最近你对所在班级的60名同学进行了调查,了解他们上网做什么.现在请根据调查结果用英语写一份调查报告.boy30girl30readnews37%34%sende mails3031chat3542study2020playgames 作业帮: I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in my class about their purposes of surfing the Internet. The girl s favourite is chatting, but only a few boys like it. What the boys like to...英语作文,假如你是tom,和家人一起自驾游,去桂林,: Hello, everyone ! I had a wonderful weekend.I went to Beijing with my family last weekend. On Saturday moming, we visited the Great Wall. There were many people there.We took some photos. In the aftemoon we went to the Summer Palace.Luckily,...英语作文:假如你是Tom,向朋友介绍你的房间,.不少于60个单词 要求是初一上学期的单词 : 用 there be 句型介绍房间,如: This is my room. It s not very big. There is a bed in it. Beside the bed, there is a desk and a chair.There are some books, a lamp and a computer on the desk. There is a bookshelf between the desk and the bed. There...英语作文:假如你是tom,因为你有事不能参加这个party,周六周日也不能去吃饭.请你写一封回信: Dear friend,Thank you for your asking. I would love to, but I am really a little bit busy that day. I have to do something important. I am very sorry that I can not go to the there. I m really sorry about that, I would like very much to join you another time. I ...英文作文假如你是TOM,你的朋友学习成绩最近不佳,情绪不好,请你给他写封信安慰并鼓励.100词以内.: Dear John,I am sorry to hear that you didn t do well in your study.I am writing to tell you that it doesn t matter whether you get good marks as long as you have studied hard at your lessons.To study hard is one thing,but to get good marks is another....英语初二5单元作文假如你是Tom,现在你给你的英国朋友Jim写一封告诉他你和同学们上周去新华公园旅游的活动和感受.信的开头已给出.不少于70个单词.你们早上七点在学校门口集合,大约八点作业帮: Jim:I went to Xinhua park with my classmates last week. We met at the school gate at ... .And then we climed the mountains,on the top of mountains Yours, Tom. we

英语作文:假如你是tom 你的美国朋友生病了 写一封邮件给他 建议她多运动 吃健康食品 吃更多的 网络英语作文假如美国朋友邮件健康食品



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