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2020-11-13 16:10:01

Today is a fine day.And I am very lucky. In the morning,I’m go fishing in a river with my parents.As time goes by,I am fishing a big fish.I am very happy,but my parents have no one fish.Next,I am fishing a small fish,but I still happy.Because my parents still have no one fish.It’s time to go home,I am fishing ten fishs,but my parents are only fishing a small fish.In the afternoon,I am playing football with my buddies.MingMing has the ball,he is kicking it to me.I am kicking the ball.It’s a beautiful goal. Next,PingPing has the ball,he is kicking to Mike.Now,Mike has the ball,he is kicking it.It’s a goal.Now,we are winning. Today I am very lucky.And I am so happy.



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