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2021-03-04 02:45:02


Are you an item now? 你们现在是一对吗?

It takes a lot of grit to be a social worker. 做社工需要很大的勇气。

As long as I can still draw my breath, as long as there is still one ounce of dignity in my blood, I will live by myself and take care of myself. Dont keep your feelings bottled up. 别把什么心事都藏在心里

You smell expensive. 你看起来很高贵?

My life is at stake. 我的生命危在旦夕。

I couldnt have asked for a better going away present. 这是我收到的最好的离别礼物

Would you like to grab a bite with me. 你愿意和我一起吃饭吗?

I cant stand a bunch of guys picking on one guy. 我看不惯很多人和起来欺负一个人

He is big on family。 他把家庭看的很重。

I will not let so many things get to me. 我不会让这么多的事影响我的。

Follow my lead. 跟我来。

Sorry, that was my bad, I promise it wont happen again. my bad (片语)我的"错, 用于承认错误的话,表示道歉

This year, all my visits in China will be cold calls. cold call: n.意外访问, 拜访以前从未见过的人,或给预期的客户打电话,希望能够卖些东西给他们

This new music album is the bomb; it is too good to be true. the bomb :n.非常好的,最好的, 好的没得说



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