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二年级第四册Lesson 26英语教学设计

2021-05-17 11:10:01

二年级第四册Lesson 26英语教学设计

1 Teaching Aids

Let the students master the sentences

“I would like some~~~

What’s for dinner?

What would you like for dinner?”

2 Teaching Aims

A tape-recorder, some cards, a table

3 Important points

Everything is ready.

What would you like?

I‘ d like some~~

4 Teaching steps

(1) Greetings and revision

Say hello to each other. And then talk about the date and the weather.

Practice the sentence-Can I have some~~~~, please?

Revise the words-soup, beef and rice, fish~~~~

(2) New contents

“What would you like?” Let some one answer the question. “I would like ...”

Practice the sentences. T-S S-T S-S

Then the teacher and the student continue the dialogue. Practice the dialogue. Then read the dialogue and then act out. At last, listen to the tape.

(3) Game

Let two students play the game. One is cook, and the other is guest. The cook asks what he would like and write them down.

5 homework

Master the dialogue and recite it.

6Teaching notes



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