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2022-01-27 12:10:02



Today, I did a housework - mopping the floor.


I first put the mop in the bucket and rinse it clean, then put the mop in the bucket, step on the pedal at the bottom of the bucket with my feet, and then the bucket will rotate with the mop and dry the mop.


I mop the living room floor first, then the big bedroom and my little bedroom. When you drag the ground, sometimes you will encounter obstacles. At this time, you have to move it or bypass it. Also, where you can"t just drag and see, you should also drag under the table, under the bed and under the sofa. Also note that mops should be cleaned in time, and a mop should be cleaned after dragging a place.


Before, I thought that mopping the floor was a very simple thing. Through today"s experience, I learned that mopping the floor is a very tiring work. It"s very hard. I just dragged the living room and two bedrooms and got tired. Later, I will help my parents do more housework and make them less tired. Now, I"m going to beat my mother"s back. Goodbye!



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