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my friend五年级英语作文

2022-03-02 10:10:01

my friend五年级英语作文

Friend, is the most important things in life. Without a friend, like a life without sunlight; Without a friend, like a bird without wings.

I can still clearly remember the grade four of the past. That day, we played games on the playground together, all of a sudden, I stumbled by blunt come over a student, the student not only no apology, but also make public. I took a long pants are torn, leg, wrist high a lot of blood...

At this moment, you heard. Suddenly, the day and the heavy downpour. You can have a chance to go back at the time, but you didn"t do that, but I struggled from the floor to the school infirmary. Along the way, the rain and the sweat of your face to stay, but you have no brush a brush. Didn"t help my friends, they have made a simple hand "arbor," on my head, prevent I was the rain; Some dry with paper towel to help me clean the wound; And with a paper towel to help I brush a brush head and face rain. Looking at the friends to help me, my tears fell off the involuntary...

Though it has been in the past for a long time, but once in a very long while can"t forget this thing. It is like ribbons, always in my mind there; It is like notepad, recorded the scene have been... Here, I wish to thank you, my friend!







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