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2023-05-07 02:46:03




It was in this summer day at noon, I was alone KFC store near my house is leisurely enjoy my delicious. Because the weather is too hot, I went to bought an ice cream.

Suddenly, the door came the voice of a worship: "excuse me, what do you want to buy envelopes and stamps?" Was eating people have raised his head and looked at the "intruder." Saw the doorway stood a big brother wears glasses, the appearance of about seventeen or eighteen, face was red and sweaty, so hot weather, he was dressed in old, also have been a little wash leg thick uniform color. Shop suddenly silent, big brother somewhat ill at ease, not a natural smile. A little later, is still a quiet, he turned and opened the door to go.

"Please wait a minute!" Aunt an aunt stopped him, and turned to say to us: "dear ladies and gentlemen, I'm sorry, excuse me, is the student of tsinghua university, from poor mountainous area in guizhou, the university while obtains benefits were arranged for him, but he want to earn money on their own to school. After all, our shop is not allowed to do in-store marketing, but after we know his situation, decided to make an exception for him, I hope you can help him......."

"Needless to say, I buy. When uncle a sitting next to me said loudly. Big brother show a look of gratitude, a brisk walk in the past. When a young man with crutch, hard to say: "good, have ambition! The poor and suffering is a wealth of life. I bought 100 envelope." "I also want to buy. ...... . At this time the store a lot of people are enthusiastic toward the elder brother waving.

I was infected by the warm atmosphere, draws out the pay their pocket, but there's only one yuan left. My in the mind that regret ah, early know I will not eat the ice cream. I shyly, take out that a dollar money say: "elder brother, I buy a postage stamp, the two envelopes." At this point, I want to have more money in the pocket. Big brother handed me the envelopes and stamps, smiled, said: "thank you, little sister." I looked down, and some said shyly: "you're welcome."

After a while, big brother envelopes and stamps are all sold out. Everyone bowed towards us, he said: "thank you." When I see his eyes seems to be some wet. Then play out in the store that familiar song - "let the world filled with love. In song, I feel very warm and happy.

At home after I told the story to my mother. Mother said with a smile: "you did a good job today, helping others is a kind of happiness, right?" I smiled happily.

Until now, I have never seen the big brother. But I bought the two envelopes, I has been cherished when baby. I often stare at them, look carefully, painted on the envelope with a winged angel, there are a row of golden fine print: "love can make you happy every day".













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