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2023-05-10 05:32:02




Moliere's "niggard", is full of bitter ironies and ruthless ridicule, the protagonist of the book, gong is the source of all the jokes, and numerous points to criticism. Because of his stingy, let the life in painful he circles, he is the man the tangle of life contradiction, is also a stumbling block to their pursuit of new. But after watching the film, I think, gong has not complete, incomplete. He will have money to see is more important than family love, friendship and love, but not because of money and lost his family love, friendship and love. He calculating, trying to scrape the money to save money, but not to the point of complete. His mean is limited to a person, no moral bottom line, he ruthlessly but not, he is not cruel cruel cold. However, it is because of this, just had everything around him and the joke. Although, gong stingy, but no children will become a money-making machine. His daughter Alice gentleness generous, firmness in love, and desire for new life. His son, Leon, bold and unrestrained, strong perseverance, dare to struggle against the front, gong, accused his father's infamous usury behavior. All of these shows, gong is not a good father, but not because of money matter and cruel to the son, his daughter become a slave to money, his a pair of children, have their own ideas, have their own pursuit, this also for the development of the work provided a broad space.

I think money and material though distorted, gong's life, but he has not completely devoid of human nature. He also the pursuit of love, the pursuit of fame, also want to do a decent, let people love. He wanted to marry a wife, and son between clashed, formed the climax of the story. Expect to try to elaborate dress for his fiancee, results self-defeating, diamond ring on hand, also to son away. Results for a dinner party is reluctant to spend money, he staged a farce... People like abba gong as long as satisfy his desire for money, for money acquisitiveness, he can also be regarded as a normal person. As long as the children's wedding, for example, he need not a penny, he has nothing to fear and who marry who, who marry; As long as for a new suit of clothes for him, he can be happy to attend the wedding. I think such a thing is not to happen to chichikov, he more than than, gong is a tragedy, not comedy.


莫里哀的名作《吝啬鬼》,充满了辛辣的讽刺与无情的嘲笑,书中的主人公阿巴贡是一切笑料的来源,也是无数批评矛头的指向。因为他的吝啬,让生活在他圈子里的人痛苦无比,他是这些人生活矛盾的纠结点,也是他们追求新生的绊脚石。但是看完这部作品后,我却认为阿巴贡吝啬得不彻底,不完全。他将钱财看得比亲情、友情、爱情更重要,但却没有因钱财而完全丧失亲情、友情、爱情。他精于算计,尽力刮钱,努力省钱,却没有达到彻彻底底的地步。他的吝啬仅限于他一个人,也没有超出道德的底线,他无情却不是无恶不作,他冷酷却不是残暴残忍。然而,正是因为这些,才有了一切围绕他而产生的笑料。 阿巴贡虽然吝啬,却没有将儿女变为赚钱的机器。他的女儿艾丽丝温柔大方,对爱情坚贞,对新的生活充满渴望。他的儿子克莱昂特,大胆奔放,坚强执着,敢于与阿巴贡正面抗争,指责父亲的不光彩的高利贷行为。这些都表明了阿巴贡虽然不是一个好父亲,但也没有因金钱物质而无情到将儿子女儿变为金钱的奴隶,他的一双儿女,有自己的想法,有自己的追求,这也为作品的发展提供了一个广阔的"空间。





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