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2023-05-14 02:57:05




A mother's love is great and selfless.

Now think mom how much for me, it is said also said not over, the number is countless, mother for my toil all day, to do their own work.

Sing "in the world only mother good, have mama of children like a treasure, into the arms of mother, can't enjoy happiness..." From the song I can reflect to the maternal love great and selfless. To sing "in the faraway village, a small village, my dear mother has white hair temples to grey." Experience from the song mother overworked hair for me I don't know how many?

The world full of love really is very beautiful. Happy in my life, I find, have a the most bright sun, that is a mother's love. In my life, because I have the sun and no longer lonely.

Mother gave me pay, must be in the day to celebrate mother's day, want to buy some valuable gifts, mother said to me, I give mother a love, this is just a part of the gifts, it is important to study hard and make my mom for is hope their children can get in university, this is my mother's favorite.

Mother is the sunshine around me, always in my mood is depressed, shines my heart.

Mother to our love is anyone can't replace, mom put us as a treasure in the hands of a "fear of change in the mouth, hand afraid off" now I just know, mother love to us is higher than mount tai.

I want to be in real life considerate mother, mother's white hair now have a lot of, I also like my mother take care of me, take care of mother, let mother that tired heart, not tired; Let the years trace, no longer climb to the top of my mother's face, let mother never keep a heart young, kind, have a healthy body. Now if there are thousands of words, also can't express my love for mother, now I from the bottom of my heart let out a cry: "mom, I love you."













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