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2023-05-19 03:37:05




Life, there are three stages - youth, middle age and old age, which is the most precious youth, this period any move will affect the later life, so to speak, adolescence is the foundation of life, the success of future generations is built on this foundation. Have such a book, it says the adolescent age is 13 to 19 year old boy. Carefully thought, (you certainly refers to the students. Are standing on the starting point of a person.

Also said that the book is adolescence has a warm, vigorous can make their own youth, can to some details, sad cry, this is our, happy and do not break composed, impulse and do not break a shrine. Starting on, write a diary, when I grow up one day, one of an adult calm state of mind to see it again, maybe you will be moved to cry, may laugh along while, may do a lot of action, because this is we have youth, beautiful like a dream, happy, like fairy, simple like a leaf, in social this big tree researched under his shade, hot outside has nothing to do with us, we just separated out my own piece of the woods, radiation with his cool and refreshing, but we will feel sorry, because we miss too many opportunities, also failed too much, that is our, happy, may not understand to cherish, simple us. If gave up during this period, the future will be dim light, in the mountains there are so many children to read, as long as some pens, a book and a house can have a class, has no other desire, if we are with them in class, I dare not say we are the children in the city how much stronger than they, perhaps we might as well be "wild child" of these in our eyes, because only a person lost will be more know to cherish, coloured drawing or pattern is more seriously in the face of everything.

For us, after the third day of the examination is a barrier, is very important for us is very serious thing, can take an examination of to a good high school? Can have a good high school life? This is now all doubt there are many people around us, but a loser, is can't afford to defeat the loser, perhaps is a failure, let their cold hearts, they can't make a loss. Maybe they had tried, regret, but too late, discarded after don't come back, actually everybody's strength is similar, just lack of effort and confidence, believe your own power, lost nothing, but can't afford to lose momentum, even if the failure of the end let you stand up, not lying to life, there is at least a fighting, later remembered wouldn't be so sorry, so timid, do not regret it, is belongs to our youth, because when let our master, come on, perhaps, victory come from








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