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2023-05-26 04:50:01




Remember once, all around the table to have a meal, dinner have a plate of coke chicken wings, we ate together and four coke chicken wings is divided among the three of us, with a left, I looked at wings, silent, continues to eat, eat to a long time, chicken wings still quietly "lie" in the dish, no one touch it. I looked at the chicken wings, swallow the water, a chicken wing, three people, for who?

I said to mother: "mom, are you busy every day in the busy outside, do household chores are all you, you eat this chicken wings."

Mother with a smile, motioning with his hand, said: "the chicken wings to today is not good, a little bitter, you want to eat you eat it."

I said to my father: "dad, are you busy every day to the factory, also very hard, you eat this chicken wings."

Dad said: "I also think a little bitter, please you to" destroy "it".

I ask again: "are you sure you don't eat?" "Grace" I fly out of chopsticks, pick up the chicken wings, don't think it's a general chicken wings, and still think that one thousand catties of chicken wing, I put the chicken wings in my bowl, mom and dad love looking at me, I slowly open your mouth and chew the chicken wings, don't think this chicken wing's bitter, feel particularly good, ah, I suddenly understood that turned out to be a mom and dad look for excuses to deliberately leave me to eat.

My heart I will never forget the parents, I grew up to be sure to use own practical action to repay their parents.









Winter vacation when I was about seven years old, my grandpa had a bad illness, according to the doctor said, grandpa's severe gastroenteritis, is needs the help of his family. Young aunt, aunt, mom and dad, grandpa and grandma came here. I don't understand, then to see grandpa this picture touch kind, I like it! I lie on the bed's grandfather asked: "does it hurt you? Don't you feel well?" Grandpa with hoarse language to answer me: "oh, Lin Lin, grandpa is fine, grandpa...... is not painful, is a little diarrhea. However, a few days rest do not have a thing!" Grandpa, with rough hands stroked my head. It looks like he dies before long, but always pretend to be strong, there are many wrinkles on his forehead, may be a pain to the wrinkle, become longer. Grandpa aging up immediately.

Mother was worried about my grandfather, without work, just call me to see. And every mother called me a fruit basket and a photograph, came to the hospital, such as grandpa have take a nap. The fruit basket put down gently with the hospital's lullaby, follow the steps to leave, don't know my grandfather get up will see the fruit basket, and the picture I sent in the past. This time, grandpa didn't sleep in the nap, he saw the fruit basket and the photos I sent in the past, he saw me a sweet smile. I asked my grandfather: "grandpa, who is on the picture? How beautiful!" Grandpa hesitated for a moment, "Lin Lin, this is your grandmother, she was young, is very beautiful, also very good! I just because of his kindness, just ask her to marry me."

Originally, the mother to do so is for grandpa to see grandma. I can't help but shed tears, so precious, I was the first time to see! Year after year, my grandpa death time faster, as soon as I still have time to give grandpa fruit with a photo, to see grandpa smile every time, I am also very happy! But there are so one day, grandpa smile like a crystal ball broken, I never see not arrived, so kindly smile.







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