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2023-05-27 03:26:05




Endless complaining of change is a waste of time, and optimism is a wonderful life. Is a grass will offer a green to the earth; To do a wild send a fragrance to the earth; When a candle will bring light to the world. The different attitude determines different life!

Optimistic attitude towards life, one day the success of the door will open for you. In life there are always some unpleasant, when you are unable to change your life environment that you want to do is to change yourself, optimistic in the face of all! Helen Keller blind but still don't give up confidence, she used her optimism over the boundless darkness. The darkest time of jobs in the "apple" optimistic in the face of all, he did not complain, he also don't give up, let the "apple" in the end he become a religion. Although zhang haidi physical disabilities but her heart is still very strong, and translated a lot of the same as, also use optimistic have created their own legendary life, they are using optimistic to find the opportunity, they don't complain always meet difficulties to pursue her dream!

Pessimists, however, a man can be destroyed. Too heavy heart, endless complaining about things, all this will no doubt deal massive damage to heart, bring a heavy burden. When your heart is too depressed, when you lose the vitality of youth, when the positive energy is entombed in the darkness and the backlight, up when a person is no passion, so he also only in the rest of the time doing nothing. Become a passenger in the boundless huge crowd, name will all along with the life of gone with the wind into a drain.

So attitude decided to your life. Regardless of your environment is good or bad, no matter your heart heavy or light, you should keep a positive attitude, optimistic in the face of everything. Even if you suffer, or face a challenge, or is under the burden of hard to imagine, optimism should be your firm choice. Whether you are ordinary or great, optimism can always make you dazzling brilliance. With optimistic, instead of complaining, with struggle casting brilliant!

To destroy a person, not the bad environment, but a weak heart. Casts a man, not a mediocre life, but rather a daring not afraid of a strong heart. Stop the endless complaints, refused to waste of time, choose an optimistic attitude, casting brilliant life!









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