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2023-05-27 05:22:01




A sunny day, I, watch the gu, wang hao, ce, sister and lee enlightenment, happily came into the zoo. Let's go to the front of the a fence, there are two orangutan, a cat just want to get the delicious food. Visitors can't help to give the cat some snacks, it eat enough is hiding in the side at ease to eat, but there are only know to play, have a good time even we are ignored, so we went away. The next is the kangaroo in the fence. People often say belly kangaroo has a pocket, I quickly rushed up to, but I saw that a little kangaroo is is eating with relish, unfortunately, I can't see it pockets. Was disappointed to go to the monkey mountain, where the monkeys in droves, each beat, is the sorrow of my heart. Slowly, we came to the hills, there's a black bear made the action, congratulations to the visitors the begging food, saw this, I also smile, the other bears are immobile. Later we met again and fence, where the snow leopard, and clouded leopard leopard, panther, leopard, cheetah and north Korea, all stare big eye, frighten me a cold sweat straight. Then we go to see the otter, they seemed very shy, and no one dare to above the water, we will go. Next is the hippo rhino pavilion, the hippo is big and fat, eat a lot, but rhino hungry can not stand, but it is in. In the end, only the ogre hao and I went to the panda enclosure, there are two pandas, only to eat, and the orangutan, the other one? It is sleeping, it seems that it's very lazy oh.

To see these, I took up a little, very smelly!




Today, the weather was clear and sunny. I want to go to chengdu zoo and play with mom and dad.

Came to the zoo, zoo today what a lot of people come to visit! Many are adults with children, I walk, walk beside the goldfish, goldfish pond beside the circumference is full of tourists, some tourists were photographed goldfish, some tourists were quietly watching the goldfish, some tourists are happy to feed the goldfish, goldfish are rob to eat food, is really fantastic! I want to jump and play with them! We walk on the goldfish gallery, countless types of goldfish goldfish galleries, there is a strange fish its mouth is very long, the body also is very long, my eyes suddenly into it.

Finished watching goldfish, clever and lovely monkeys. There was a monkey named lemurs, long because of this monkey's appearance is very like the fox, so called the lemur. One monkey, carrying a small monkey, run on the run down with food; There are some monkeys on the rope jumping; There are monkeys jumping on the branch, for visitors to their food; There are some monkeys naughty ground to play, with bursts of laughter, very cute.

Monkeys go away from us, appear in front of my eyes is high tour plane, bumper cars, leap the bed. See you play of very happy, and the roar of the man screeched at that time I couldn't help it, pull the mother sits at the high altitude tour plane. Sit down, I don't fear in the heart, but when the plane tilted, but I cried, tightly hold handrail, lest they fall. Temperature, when our car and another car together, I would have cried. Play trampoline, I had so many times, but the head will not hurt, because the bouncing bed is soft.

We also saw the snooze and clumsy panda, ferocious tigers and lions, whole body black seal, a white red-crowned cranes, talking parrot from time to time to say "hello hello"... Before you know it has arrived at noon, because we already exhausted, and hungry, so he went home.

Although today is very tired, but also very happy today.










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