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my changes英语作文「附中文」

2023-05-27 06:31:07

2016my changes英语作文「附中文」

导语: 生活教导我们:既然你无法改变环境,那就要改变自己来适应环境。这,便是改变的哲理,这便是生存的真理! 下面是小编为大家整理的,英语范文。希望对大家有所帮助,欢迎阅,仅供参考,更多相关的知识,请关注CNFLA学习网!


In my memory, my family lives at the age of 3, their house is small, less than 13 square meters of a room, this is my first home, there is no special kitchen and corridor has become everyone's public kitchen, put a lot of gas cylinder, very dangerous, the use of each area of less than 2 square meters, who can do rice smell. So the toilet in there? At that time everyone is in the public toilets, meet some people who don't speak morality must, the toilet all have no place to waste, and only a 21 inch TV at home, a bed, a desk, a closet, four chairs is basic supplies, room and frequent blackouts.

In when I was 5 years old my family housing has changed, this is a set of 60 square meters house, one hall is my second home, more than my "niche" in the home, although small, but I am also very happy, the kitchen is not so small.

To my 7 years old, my family housing, great changes have taken place in our 60 square meters into a 120 square meters of house. Three rooms one hall, the sitting room is very big, there are more than 20 square meters, two bedrooms, a total of 36 square meters, my "niche" and expanded the many seven square meters! Our toilet is two toilet, kitchen also won't have so much inconvenience, the most make me happy is the balcony, there are two rooms, more than 30 square meters! Is definitely a far cry from than ever before!

Look from the residential changes in our house, our life is getting better and better, reflects the rapid development of our great motherland is empty, the future of the motherland will be more beautiful, my life will be more beautiful.






With the passage of time, will be a variety of changes in family life. Family life is better, to the change of living conditions, I made a survey.

1 ask parents, some changes to many families.

2. Think carefully, in terms of food, clothing, shelter, line, what we have to improve.

3. Access to other family, query the common change.

4. Review of the history books, see after the founding of new China many things and change of the family.

Thirty years ago, people only eat satisfied, now of people, not only asked to eat, also requires a delicious, nutritious, delicious.

30 years ago, people wear warm, for now, people not only required to wear warm, also asked to wear comfortable, wear fashion.

Thirty years ago, people basic by foot. People today, and almost every family have private cars, and most people have the private plane.

Thirty years ago, people lived in huts, now people, live in reinforced concrete.

People's life has become so good, because countries have introduced reform and opening up and reform and opening up not only internal reforms, and opening to the outside world.

Our country's science and technology is developing very rapidly, and fully improve the daily life of the people's family. From the dress to wear warm, From eat satisfied to eat well; From can choose to live, to live well; From the can go out, to the very convenient. More than half a century, each family life improved significantly.

We have such a good condition, we must study hard, to create a more developed country of science and technology!













【2016my changes英语作文「附中文」】



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