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my family rules英语作文「附中文」

2023-05-29 02:52:02

my family rules英语作文「附中文」



My family's house rules family precepts

"The school has the school rules, a start-up. Are often in a sentence. But a asked "what is discipline?" This problem, many students will be henpecked, say, or another. And I'm happy this bird at home every day life, warmth of this piece of blue sky, though free, but has a house rules the invisible course in the direction of the guided me all the way forward. Let me talk about my family's house rules family precepts.

A: the "filial piety" word pledge

Filial piety is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. The filial piety is not big festival in our house, but the heavy section. Our house is a rectangular table, grandpa sat in the middle of the chair, grandma sitting on the right hand side of the first, dad sat on the left-hand side first, mother sat on the right hand side of the second, I sat down on the left hand side. A simple seating arrangement is contained in his birthright and junior and thick xiaoyi. Grandpa is often first dynamic first chopsticks when you eat, we took a job in the thick atmosphere of home and eat, more show our filial piety and respect to grandpa. These two examples to illustrate on the section "filial piety" is also very important.

"The second" word in the rites

Judge a person's quality can be obtained from his manners. Our family was a "scholarly family". In such a family atmosphere, my sister and I was born was taught to be polite, to have a "goldilocks" demeanor. I failed to reach a parents elders wish, crazy playing all day, meet happy laughter, was reprimanded for "doesn't quiet". Even if it

The Bohemian style of samples, I still perform consistently, parents give greater mission to the sister. But my sister has been influenced by my, became the new "man", take our helpless elders. Good manners are some but most of this civilization. Uncle took the sister to buy vegetables, younger sister saw the aunt said aunt, uncle saw the uncle said good, compliment of people selling vegetables from ear to ear, food is cheap money for several blocks! My nature is also a neighbor, the teacher's eyes boy a civilization, calm and steady, and often become "learning model" of the other children.

3: "net" finale

My mother is virgo, have a little cleanliness. Whenever I see the room is a little messy, will "hedong animal roars at fellow players", made me clean the room, until she look pleasing to the eye. Mother every day early morning must be dragged to it again, no matter in the spring and autumn winter and summer. I am sometimes asked impatiently, "mom, this land of two hundred square meters, are cleaned once a day you don't you tired? Even if you don't tired, I also will see tired!" Not surprisingly mom gave me a dirty look. Under mother's unremitting efforts, our home to be the home of a clean and tidy. No matter who go to my home for the first time there will be a kind of the feeling that find everything new and fresh!

"Filial piety", "the ritual", "net" these three words as my family's house rules and family precepts are really good, because they represent a good image of our family. I will put these three words carry forward, into our lives and our society to go! Let's hope for society to "filial piety", "the ritual", "net" brand new image appear in front of us!







样,我还是执行一贯我行我素的风格,父母便把更伟大的使命交给了妹妹。可妹妹受了我的影响 ,成了新一届的“女汉子”,长辈们拿我们无可奈何。但最本的文明礼貌也是有的。叔叔带着妹妹去买菜,妹妹见着阿姨说阿姨好,见着叔叔说叔叔好,把卖菜的人恭维得合不拢嘴,菜钱都算便宜了好几块呢!我自然也是邻居、老师眼里文明、稳重的好孩子一个,还经常成为其他孩子的“学习榜样”。





Each house has its own family trait, house rules, family precepts of the home, want to talk about our family trait, house rules, family precepts, that can be associated with a few things when I was a kid.

Since I am sensible, mom told me to be the truth, the first thing to study, which means to studious, learn; Followed by progress, to the ground, with their own practical action to prove, I can do it; Then be honest and dishonest people, it will let other people trust you, rely on you. Finally is good, have no a kind heart, only a narrow heart, how to others? Why when others have difficulties to help him?

At the age of five, I can do anything I want to do. But is very picky about food, eating is not a choice of meat is food, but also often leftovers. Every time and I wash your hands, wash, waste half basin of water, the tap after washing is not, white

White waste a lot of water. Mother know me after these two bad habits, said to me: thrift is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, so later don't particular about your food, but also don't leftovers again, and to save water. From that moment on, I know to thrift.

New Year's day, I went to the grandpa home New Year. Happy New Year to grandpa said. Grandpa from his pocket a red envelopes, put in my hand, and to longly say to me: granddaughter! You have six years old, next year you're going to first grade. Three words, I want to tell you the first thing is to respect their elders, no matter where you come in the future, you can see elders should be polite, respect their elders; The second sentence is filial piety the parents, the parents brought you to the world, and has brought up you. Growing up you must repay them, filial piety them; The third sentence is self-reliant, no matter what work do you in the future, don't rely on others, relying on their own strength to work, and the status quo, hardworking. This is what I expect of you, want you to remember all the time.

Yet another year, I have to take the elementary school. Let's sit down and plan to open a family meeting. Dad said: today is to discuss the content of the start-up, house rules, family precepts. Purpose is to want you to go to school after which she has bound herself restrained himself. We had a long discussion, to decide.

Dan is diligent, motivated, honest, kind.








【my family rules英语作文「附中文」】



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