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2023-05-29 07:50:03




My hometown is in quanzhou, quanzhou is a had a reputation of "silk road" starting point and the west bank city of channel. Has experienced several hundred years of ups and downs, she is still so beautiful, but much a few minutes the vicissitudes of life; Her outfit so dignified elegance, just too much a few minutes of modernization and vivid.

Beautiful mountain in my hometown. Qingyuan mountain and pure and fresh. Is the name of the mountain, in the morning, walk between the green trees and green vines, like a spring of fresh water flowing into the heart and refreshing and clinking. The mountain with a real spring "tiger milk springs". On the shores of lake day drink with tiger spring water brew tea, is also a great many people of quanzhou hobby. Purple mo shan clever. Let people free time listening to the name of the mountain, the purple mo shan - infinite imagination, is a big hat, wearing a purple long hair of the clever girl. That is indeed the case. Look up at the top of the cloud and mist curl at the foot of the mountain, a beautiful lovely girl presented itself. On the top of the mountain, walking between the white clouds, it's crazy.

The water in my hometown. The west lake charm. Entered the west lake park, the lightness of a is different from the hustle and bustle city immediately. Looking at the boat moored at the lake, past delicate arch bridge, byways tall kapok and tender willows, with the gentle wind, heart was full of quiet and serene, as if into a huge elegant ink painting, even breathing is careful, lest destroy the quiet and beautiful. Although I have not been to hangzhou west lake, but I think that quanzhou xihu should not lose her physical beauty.

The people in my hometown. Quanzhou has a pleasant scenery, also has a lovely people. Quanzhou people simple, diligence, enthusiasm and hospitality. They use their own hands to write the history of quanzhou, welcomed the visitors, building in quanzhou, the better. Before it is too big You, li zhi and other celebrities, make quanzhou people proud.

The beauty of the modernization and quanzhou icing on the cake. Quanzhou hotel brilliant lights, flashing neon okanagan valley square, rows of tall buildings, streets and cars, zhongshan street, the bustling crowd...

Quanzhou, is a beautiful city. Classical and modern blend each other here, quanzhou, the stand in the ancient city of the west coast of Taiwan strait shows her unique charm.








My family lives in the gaps, west village, here is just an unknown valley in zhejiang province. It has neither taishan majestic mountains, also does not have the Beijing xiangshan red like fire, more without magic of guilin landscape, however, if you come here, I dare say, it's constantly changing throughout the year scenery will make you linger.

Spring breeze comes, alone the slopes of the red, white, yellow, purple flowers, like the sky rosy clouds, provoked a flock of small bee buzzed around humming in the flowers, butterfly dancing in the flowers. Clever birds chirp chirp zhejiang constantly, to mount on the infinite vitality. Oblivious and the grass, so tender, so green, tender like brush against it would break: green while they are fresh. Qi together, like a big fast a fast soft carpet covered with slopes, field road.

Cicadas rioting sang, and the land full of being. Like a horn of yellow flowers on the rattan, some spend had grown out of the tender cucumber. Still have the tomato seedling field full of guitar on the west is red, one next to one, you see will be mouth water.

The cool autumn wind season, the scenery here is more attractive. Especially on the other side of the mountain a piece of orange trees, branches hung a small lantern orange. The orange on the tree, you won't let me, I won't let you, very lively, when the wind blows, the bending of the branches of it little by little, as if in a nod to the people...

Snow, here is a piece of white everywhere. The floor, a tree, a roof into a white world. Only the mountain pines are not afraid of cold, still standing there, still so green. Decoration of the valley like a glittering and translucent snow world.

Oh, the west village - my hometown! Are on the map can't find you, you that dramatic scenery all the year round, you are really was so beautiful and lovely!










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