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2023-06-04 04:25:01




My brother and I leap to jump the car on the ground. On the way, I saw the tree hung up the many flower lantern; Standing in the park "to celebrate the 60th anniversary of National Day", there are many flowers, sitting beside them on his face as if also laugh, as if know this is a good day for a couple of days, and celebration of National Day with us!

My brother and I talked and laughed before you know it, we came to the rain mountain lake in the park. We haven't get in, you have seen inside is bubbling, as though in our view. The inside of the game a lot, we all know that first to play more.

Suddenly, the younger brother head pulled me to sail, oh! I know, he wanted us to play this, then, we went to a very terrible with a tank of a ship. The boat on the water slowly open, however, the restless wandering the little brother of switch plate, against us in the ship turned seven rounds. My brother and I think that's boring, and then to brother to shout.

Later, we played "water park". My brother and younger brother in a ball, in a ball. Brother we thought they were going to shut up in prison, so in the ball desperately cried out: "elder brother, help." Brother thought we met again what, hurriedly rolled up, and in this way, two ball rolling, then finally get together, the elder brother said: "what's wrong?" "Nothing, is XiaoZou proliferation of ghost" "that's good." Time finally came. The result: dizzy, like drunk. I swear: I will no longer play "water park"

Today is a memorable day, I will never forget




后来,我们玩了“水上乐园”。我和弟弟在一个球里,哥哥在一个球里。弟弟以为他们要把我们关在监狱里,所以在球里拼命地喊着:“哥哥,救命。”哥哥又以为我们遇到什么了,赶紧滚了过来,就这样,两个球滚来滚去,后来,终于滚到了一起,哥哥说:“怎么了?”“没什么,是小邹轶搞的鬼”“ 那就好了。”时间终于到了。结果是:头晕晕的,像是喝醉了酒一样。我发誓:我以后再也不玩“水上乐园”了



This afternoon, the school is to have parents, yesterday evening, my sister and I called my mom and dad, let them to have parents, mom and dad are agreed, the two of us really happy, because we can finally meet our most miss mom and dad. Just hung up the phone, I have been looking forward to the parents' meeting tomorrow.

The next day, I got up early on, hope to hurry up to in the afternoon.

Finally arrived in the afternoon, my sister and I quickly after lunch, put on clothes, like a ono horse ran to the school, my sister and I were standing in the road on both sides to see one another taxi, thinking: which cab to mom and dad will take on pta? Happy moment has come, to see mom and dad walked out of the taxi, I ran across the road like a bird, jump to the mother's arms. Later, my father to younger sister's class to have parents, mother go to my class. I and sister while playing outside waiting for them. The weather is very cold! My feet are cold cold cold. At this time, suddenly, my father came out, I ran past, dad said: "I should remember, remember, however, parents are still didn't finish." I said, "dad, now that you know, to remember you can play with us! Daughters but miss you very much." Dad agreed, he said, to bring both of us to go shopping, go to eat hamburgers. I'm really happy, because, what I said before, he always shook her head and said: "too busy, too busy, no time." This time, is not the same as usual completely, we take a taxi to the hamburger restaurant, father bought us a small piece of cake, my sister and I eat together. Although not how sweet cake, but eat in the mouth, flattered. After eating cake, my father gave my sister and I bought several bread, let's back to grandma's house to eat later. Hamburger, dad brought my sister and I went to the bookstore, the bookstore, I plucked a pen copybook, sister chooses a story book, without further ado, father bought us down, and then, my father sent my sister and I back to grandma's taxi. In the car, I asked my father: "you how so good to us today?" Dad replied: "several weeks didn't see you, think you very much." Say the truth I also wanted very much to my father.

Starting today, dad and I no longer so strange, because I know my father also like me, is very kind to me. I'd really like to affectionately call: "dad, that's very kind of you!"








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