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2023-07-17 03:26:14



一、说明重要性 —— 责任心的重要性

[提出观点] Responsibility is essential to us. [论证] (正面)It not only represents one’s noble quality, but also enables one to be steady-going. Being responsible, you will gain many precious things, such as true love. (反面) Without responsibility, however, you will be an annoyance and can’t do anything successfully. What’s worse,people will lose belief in you if you are irresponsible. [总结] In short, only when we are responsible will we be respected and loved by others.

二、发表看法 —— 假期外出旅游

Nowadays, more and more people are in favor of travelling during vacation. [表明观点] To be frank, I can’t agree more with it. [说明理由] There are several factors contributing to my point. In the first place, journeys can widen our knowledge of geography, customs, cultures and lifestyles of different places and countries and enrich our experiences. In the second place, it is a good way to relax ourselves in my opinion. Furthermore, we can develop better relationship with our friends or family. [得出结论] Therefore, it goes without saying that we can benefit a lot from travelling.

三、观点对比 —— 说说人们对幸福的理解

[引出不同观点] Opinions are divided on the feeling of happiness. [观点一] Some people believe that if they have much money or many things, they will be happy. With great wealth, they will be able to do everything they want, with which they will be happy. [观点二] On the other hand, some people regard their intelligence, or their health as their great happiness. [观点三] Still others maintain that happiness is closely tied to their family, for they believe that they feel happy when all members of their family are happy and healthy.

四、经历感受 —— 拔苗助长

The story reminds me of a similar experience of my friend. He was once badly ill and went to see the doctor. The doctor gave him some pills, telling him to take them three times a day. However, he failed to follow the doctor’s advice and took them 6 times a day. To his great surprise, he became worse. Just as the old saying goes, “more haste less speed”. No matter what we do, we should obey the law of nature. It is the same with our studies. Only by learning step by step can we achieve something.


The author tells a story about (某人)a Chinese student with an excellent academic achievement who (做某事) couldn’t find a job in Germany (原因) because of his stealing rides at the subway, (启示)which shows honesty is the best policy.


A survey made in Australia shows (现象) that many teenagers lack one hour’s sleep (原因) due to organized activities and homework, (结果)which results in such serious problems as slow progress in study, weight problem, depression, illness and so on.


The passage tries to tell us (论点) that getting up early in the morning (论据) will benefit us a lot, including a better memory, healthier body and better preparation for the day.




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