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2023-08-11 02:30:20




Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.

However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him.


Winter vacation is approaching, parents and friends must pay attention to the children's holiday learning problems.Language network junior high school channel for everyone to provide a junior high school students winter vacation diary, I hope all of you help.

This year's winter vacation, homework is really much.I was planning to finish my winter vacation soon, so that I could play happily.But I never finished until dark every day.I can't stand it today, so I put down my pen without hesitation. I ran out and played for my little friends.By the time I got home from my song, mother had already started preparing supper.I looked at my mother curiously, watching her every move.I think, actually, it's not difficult to cook?.First wash, and then stir fry, add a little, add a little, and then from the pot to the plate, it will be a successful conclusion.

I stand in the kitchen door to see a good while, mother like to see through my mind, said: Yang Yang, to help me smashed garlic! Okay! Is not petals rocambole! For me, it's like a piece of cake to eat bean sprouts.

Then I stood up straight, roll up sleeves, hold small sticks to hit garlic.Thought as easy as blowing off dust can fix, but when I put the little stick down, slippery rocambole always slipped away to the side, it hit an empty, again, or not, he tried several times without success.Just that smug flushed suddenly vanished.As I sat down on my couch in a sullen mood, my mother came over and smiled and said, "what's the matter? Did you fail?" I nodded.Don't lose heart, nobody can succeed for the first time.Try putting some salt into the garlic jar, adding some friction, and the garlic won't slip away.This is a way, I like the inspired, suddenly jumped up from the couch, ran to the kitchen, grabbed a little salt to their pots and began to move.

Originally those naughty garlic, then as if by magic, motionless, I got.Not for a while, a lot of garlic was wiped out by me, looking at the mud bowl like mashed garlic, eat a tasty dish, I thought: it seems that a lot of things are not as easy as it looks on the surface, the only person to practice, in order to know one of the stand, will not be easily conclude.




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