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2023-08-17 07:29:07




During the summer vacation, my father and mother took my sister and I to dalian. My brother and I had a good time in the rapids adventure palace in xinghai park!

My sister and I sat on the adventure boat with gusto and began to move forward. Ship with forward the speed of the water, suddenly, the ship turned a corner, into a dark cave, inside the opaque, also sometimes sounded bats cry of terror. Our boat went up, seven or eight meters high, and then, at the peak, dived and dived four or five meters high. The ship continued to advance, and in the depths of the cave there was a faint light, and a myriad of huge creatures flicked in and out. As the boat approached, we were surprised to discover that it was a lot of vivid dinosaurs. If you don't watch it carefully, you'll be surprised. The dinosaurs looked terrible, with their mouths open. The water quickens, a sharp turn, and we come to the anthropoanthropus, and in the dense forest, the human ancestors are seen alive and well. They sit on the grass, looking around a circle, some hanging in a tree, and some washing their feet at the water's edge. Suddenly, a giant crab lay on the surface of the water, blocking our way. The smart sister had her head shrunk, and I was able to pass it, and I tried, but no, I was just sitting at the bottom of the cabin, and hey, I was really successful.

We had just passed a barrier and suddenly the water stopped, so we had to paddle by ourselves. My sister and I pulled together and paddled, and about 20 minutes later, we arrived at the finish line, ending the exciting, fun adventure.


The fun of summer vacation is like a painting. Let me open a fishing painting and share it.

That day, it's sunny, sunny, flowers everywhere, cicadas sing "to know", the frog "quack" to laugh, I followed the adults came to the fishing pavilion to fishing together.

When we got there, we began to "work", put the fishing rods in front of us, and then catch dozens of shrimp and put them aside for a while, and then put the bucket, the bait, the fish net... Be prepared.

The grown-ups put the shrimps on the hook and threw them in the water, and they caught a lot of fish. After a while, I caught a lot of fish. I counted more than fifty. Then we pulled the net again, and a lot of fish were caught in the net. The fish wagged their tails and struggled, but in vain they became our trophies.

I looked at the struggles of glistening fish in the fishing net, involuntarily laughed, but they have been twisted body, struggling with an open mouth, as if only then is willing to give up the net broken.

After a long time, they may not have the strength, slowly and quietly, like a failed soldier, lying on the net to rest.




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