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2023-09-03 04:17:05




Never give up has been accepted by many people as a positive life attitude. Admittly persistence often plays an important role in one success. However,in many cases to give up might be wiser than to persist blindly. The following reasons can support this argument.

Firstly,sometimes our goal may be unrealistic. If we insist on it blindly, it will finally bring us nothing but failure. At this time,what we should do is give up the orignal goal and reset a more pratical one.

Secondly,not all persistence can bring deserving results. For a very simple example if we keep waiting in line for hours, only to have a luncheon restaurant may be it is unwise.


My school life is over.

Here're what I want to say to classmates,teachers.

I love my teachers so much,beacause they teach me a lot .

When I was in trouble ,they gave me a hand .

When I failed the exam,they gave me a smile.

And they tell me not to give up.

In a word,thank them so much at the bottle of my heart.

I will miss them though I am not their student any longer.

I enjoy myself with my classmates .I got on well with them.

And I never forget them because they are very good.

Most importantly,many happy moments about us are kept in my memory.

I'll try my best to suady that I can Return my school.

I had a good time in school and I learn a lot of Knowlegle from my beautiful school.




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