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2020-01-04 17:00:01

Dear Han Dong,

I am a sophomore and I'm taking the CET-4 forthe second time. It has cost lots of money and timeto prepare for the exam. Meanwhile, my schedule isgetting tighter, for I have to take much more classesthan before. So I really want to make things workthis time. That's why I'm writing to you for help.

My biggest headache is the listening part, whose proportion becomes even more after theCET exam reform. Moreover, my vocabulary is poor, too. I'm wondering if there is any short-cut to memorize words more quickly in shorter time. I also want to know in what degree a CETtraining class can help. Finally, I need you recommend some better books to me.

I'm gratefully looking forward to your reply.

Sincerely yours,

Li Qiang



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