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Deepen China's Reform_深化中国的改革英语作文150字

2020-01-03 13:45:01

The achievements of China's reform have established a firm foundation for deepening reform. Politically, China has adopted the principle of "governing the country according to law." China's economy is vitalized, and people's living conditions have been improved. China enjoys a stable political environment and makes rapid progress in economic construction.

However, the road of deepening reform is uneven (不平坦). Further reform means overcoming rooted defects in our political structure and changing unreasonable factors in economic structure, so it will run up against all kinds of resistances and difficulties. Some old perceptions (观念) and conventional ideology (传统的意识形态) are still influential. And not all people welcome further reform.

To strengthen our country we must continue making our efforts to deepen reform. The depth of reform, to some extent, determines the future development of our country. We ought to take full advantage of the best development period, adhere to(坚持) government policy and accelerate(加快) the speed of reform to attain our goals.



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