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Happy new year _关于新年的英语作文100 字

2013-02-06 16:36:43

Happy new year _关于新年的英语作文100

A new year is coming,so as a new beginning for everything. Happy new year to everybody .As a student,I set new goals for myself,too.I need to study harder and well prepare for the final examination to get good grades before spending the spring festival with my family. In the last 7 days,I will be strict with myself and never let teacher and my families down. As for my daily life,I need to take care of myself more carefully so as not to worry my parents, while learning to be more independent. In the new year,I make a wish for good study and health



有关端午的英语作文 作文大全800字左右 高考满分作文精选范文 与时俱进的作文素材 中考优秀作文500字 400字作文稿纸 怎样写好作文开头 写人的作文550字 开学感受作文600字 今年的高考作文是 打羽毛球作文500字 人物描写作文400字 五年级上册第二单元作文 关于打屁股的作文 四年级上册第五单元作文 大扫除的作文300字 秋天的作文400字左右 我读懂了亲情作文 初中语文作文万能素材 经历是一种收获作文 关于风景的作文600字 留下作文600字 最美心头一亮时作文 写一篇下雪的作文 作文素材是什么意思 工匠精神作文600字 都是什么惹的祸作文 我的新年作文400字 交通安全作文300字 给我一片天作文