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2013-09-25 19:19:44

Florence is my favorite city.Its name in Italian means "the city of flowers".And it is located in central Italy.In the north of it are Careggi mountain and Rifredi mountain.Besides,there are always many fine days in Florence.During the 15th century to the 16th century,Florence was the most famous art center in Europe.It is the birthplace of Renaissance,many great artists were born here,like Dante.For me ,Florence has its special meaning.My favorite man who has been living in my heart for two years called Xiang Yutian.Since we first met,his dream is to go to Florence.But his dream failed to be realized until he lost his memory.It is such a great pity.So,if you haven't still made up your mind,listen to me,go to Florence and hug the person you love.【趣文网 www.qwen.cn】



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