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Graduation Pictures_英语作文100字

2016-01-28 00:40:40

Graduation Pictures

High school time is really the very unforgettable stage for me. During three years’ study, I fought for my future with my classmates, we made the progress together. They were my sisters and brothers. Though I would graduate soon, I would never forget them. My classmates and I took a lot of pictures, we decided to leave the precious moments. So we rent some dresses with the old style, which was very classic in the movie. We put on the dress and went to every corner of the campus, the funny thing was that we took pictures by imitating the movie posts. When other students saw our pictures, they thought it was such fun to do it, so they would join us and made the graduation pictures more vivid. It was such precious for me to keep these pictures, I will never forget my dear classmates.


The Story of King Kong

New York city is the first city of America. It has many famous buildings, we can see these landmarks in the movie all the time. The empire state building is one of the tourist sites, most people will think of the movie King Kong. I also know about this building from the movie. King Kong was captured by the bad guys and was brought to the New York city. Compared with the human beings, King Kong was more like human beings. He fell in love with a girl and spared no effort to rescue the girl from all kinds of dangers. The scene of King Kong , sitting in the tall building, watching the sunset was so touching, but later this peace was break by human, at last, King Kong fell down and died. People said he died for the beauty, which makes it a legend.




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