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2017-10-09 06:47:07

Life is short, is eternal. How to spend short life? Give eternal life should leave some? This is everyone should subject to answer. The road of life is sunshine, avenue, flowers, but also have XianGuan, rapids, frost. How should they go? Our predecessors and among peers, already someone made the right answer. Only dedication to society, to find the short and risky life. The meaning of life is to put yourself in others', sorrow others of sorrow and joy of others to enjoy.【趣文网 www.qwen.cn】

Every life actually is dazzling and dazzing, spring is bright. Main is, what do you think of life on your own life idea, the understanding of the value of life. Some think his life is how of vicissitudes of life; Some think that his life is how boring, always want to break through his past dreams of the beautiful; Some think that my life like the morning dew drop by drop the accumulation of become moist the elements of all things, to own life has been with a persistent pursuit, it's like he grew up with a dream.

The value of life, namely to the person to contemporary work for scale. Is easy, acting is difficult to a man and play can play many times, and the opportunity in life is only once. World is a good play, difficult people, play is fiction, is real, play play is life, life is like a play. The way of life though uneven, but the heart is flat, to bridge the road of life outlook on life is for the purpose of life, significance and the fundamental views and attitudes of road; The outlook on life is life ship compass navigator. Learn to obey, learn to love, to learn to use a fraternity mind to treat all of the universe.

The outlook on life, is the overall view and the view of life, it is about life essence, purpose, value, significance and road, and many other ideas combined. The outlook on life is the product of certain social historical conditions and social relations, is a certain social class or ideology, is people's material needs and spiritual needs in the reflection of the concept, different social or class of people have a different outlook on life. The content of the outlook on life, happiness, happiness, outlook for honor and dishonor view, love, 2000:55, etc.

The outlook on life is a choice. Different life choices, determines the different life. The choice of different show different life attitude that reflect different outlook on life. Such is life, face a variety of choices, some people choose the brave, some people choose the weak; Some people chose to greatness, some people choose the small; Some people choose the noble, some people chose the despicable. From a personal point of view, in the relationship between human and society, man is both the object, and a main body. As the object, people make contributions matter has social value to the society. As the main body, in the process of transforming social nature, and to realize their own value. The life values of serving the people on the surface seems to only emphasize the realization of social value, in fact in the implementation of the social value of serving the people at the same time its value has been the realization of the maximum, personal in material got enough meet especially in spirit



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