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Classic Songs Represent_高中英语范文

2017-10-28 07:07:14

Classic Songs Represent

In the competition of Miss America in 2016, Backstreet Boys as the performing artist sung the classic songs of As Long As You Love Me and I Want It That Way. When the rhythm began, everybody moved their bodies and enjoyed the songs. They were so familiar to the songs, most of them had heard when they were very small. Backstreet Boys was a very popular group in the early year of 2000, they had fans from all over the world. Especially the girls, they were so crazy about these boys and dreamed to marry them. But this group met setback later and then the members decided to be single, but none of them made the great success. The worse situation was that one member got the heart desease and one was addicted to the alcohol. After they got over the hard time, now they come back.


What to Wear

For every girl, they like to dress well and make themselves stand out. According to the research, it is said that a woman will spend the time of six moths during her lifetime to dress themselves. The data seems to be astonishing, but thinking about my situation, then I will have no question about the research. Every morning, before my sister goes out for work, she is so confused about what to wear, the styles are so hard for her to decide. Then she will turn to my help and asks me for idea. Actually, I don’t have idea at all, even I give her my opinion, but will be soon denied. Many of my friends have such problem, they need to figure out what kind of dress can make them look perfect before they go out of the house.




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