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Indian Movie_高中英语作文

2019-12-11 14:33:49

Indian Movie

I like to watch American movie so much, because it not only has the excellent plot, but also presents the exciting scientific scene. Hollywood is famous all over the world, while Bollywood is always ignored. Bollywood is in India, it produces a lot of movies every year, less people know it came ahead of Hollywood. As the rise of the Indian movie, more and more people start to pay attention to Bollywood. They see the charm of Indian movie. The dance is the obvious feature, almost we can see the actors dance suddenly in the movie, they always dress their country’s garments. The movie always shows the situation of Indian, the poor people is large and how they stuggle to live. People there are religious and the conflicts always happen. People can learn the culture through this movie.


The Glory Belongs to You

During the Olympic Games, the first goden medal caught people’s attention all the time, so many players who were put great hope to get the godel medal burdened so much pressure. When the players win the first place, all the media reported them and gave them the biggest applause, while for these players who did not win the medal, they just reported them with a few words and the audience forgot them quickly. In fact, for every player, they practised so hard to appear in this great stage, they enjoyed the match and made other competitor to become stronger, faster and higher. They are easy to be forgot because some people and media classify them as the losers. There is no loser in the match, the glory belongs to all, even though they don’t win the medal, they still heroes.




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