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2019-12-11 14:31:43

Grab TV

Elementary school of bovine spring center 2 grade 2 Ban Zhangguang 昇

Good not easy, longed to come Sunday.

I gathered up hurriedly a few dinner, develop a sitting room, open a TV set, one buttock sits on sofa to remove me to love to look most with respect to the appreciation of beautiful beauty cartoon. Proper, when I look absorbedly, kill on the way give a Cheng to bite gold to come -- , father walked over, he took a remote controller to press sports channel, watched ball game, I am ill-affected, preparation is changed, at this moment mom also comes add trouble to, change ball game into " now view " . Father is unwilling also give the impression of weakness, contend for will be contended for, each other does not let.

I look to be no good forcedly, come soft, say: "At ordinary times one week you just let me look, finish exercise lets me read a book, do not have time to watch TV at all, good today wait not easily came on Sunday, you are contended for with me again! " if listening to me, you visit father mother me, I see you, happen to coincide finally the ground says: enzymatic  scrupulously and respectfully! ?



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