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初一英语作文:My Super Sandwich

2019-12-12 14:15:01

初一英语作文:My Super Sandwich

First, we can put the butter on the bread. Then cut up a mushroom and 3 slices of duck. Then put the lettuce on the bread, En what else do we need. Oh! Right, put a slice of bread on the lettuce. Don`t think it`s over, we are just beginning now. put the butter on the bread. Make it to your own idea and do your best. Then cut up the tomato and the potato. Put them on the super sandwich. Last, put 2 teaspoons of honey on the sandwich. Oh! I forget one, put the bread on the sandwich top. OK! It`s crowned with succes. Do your want to make a super sandwich. Join us, there are many gifts for you!



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