趣文网 > 初中作文 > 春节作文 > 春节的英语作文


2019-12-12 23:45:01

Spring Festival is the biggest day in China. As this festival has a long history, so people keep some old traditions, such as what they should do to bring the good luck and what they should do to avoid the bad luck. Still the young generation remembers the taboo and they believe that avoiding these can bring them good luck in a year.

The first taboo is to avoid sweeping the floor in the first seven days of the new year. It is said that every family will collect some luck in the house. If people sweep the floor, the luck will run away and they will feel bad all the year around. So if my mother sees me to clean the house in the new year, she will be very nervous and keeps telling me not to sweep the floor.

The second taboo is not to wash hair in the first day of the new year. It is almost the same reason with sweeping floor. People believe that the ancestors have given them good luck and washing hair would drive away the luck. Though I don’t believe in this tradition, I still respect it for avoiding my mother’s babbling.

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  1. 2021-10-21 02:58优美的华尔兹[陕西省网友]IP:3419670418
  2. 2020-07-23 06:41醉生梦死○[云南省网友]IP:1728239303


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