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2019-12-14 02:30:01


Opportunities are one of the essential factors to success. As an saying goes, “He who seizes the right moment, is the right man.” However, opportunities are rare, and they only favor those who are well prepared often.

There are plenty of opportunities for everyone in society. However, as for most people, opportunities come quietly and leave without being noticed. In contrast, those who have made enough preparation and take full advantage of opportunities will achieve success. The story of Bill Gates is a good case in point. When he was in college, the world was undergoing an information revolution. People at that time thought a giant machine as a computer could only be used to calculate and did not expect that it could become so popular today. Bill Gates, however, seized the opportunity. He gave up his studies to join with his friends and finally created the world’s largest personal-computer software company.

In a word, considering how important seizing the right moment is, we college students are supposed to make every effort to get fully prepared lest we miss the opportunity.



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