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英语作文Dear Future Me

2019-12-15 15:15:01

Dear Future Me,

I have no idea when you will find this again, but I'm writing this anyway.

Do you still remember how it feels like to be twelve?

Do you still remember how it feels like to be suffocating, exhausted by stress?

Do you still remember how it feels like to be aspiring and motivated?

If your answer is yes to the first answer, then congratulations, you have not lost your younger self yet. I have a feeling that your answers to the other two questions are both a firm 'yes'.

I want to write a book and make it into a movie. I hope you have achieved this for me by now.

I want to be inspiring and meet other inspiring people (namely, R.B.). Have you met any yet? I hope you have.

I want to be ambitious. Are you still this highly motivated?

Okay, enough with the rambling and ranting.www.91zuowen.com

Here are some things that I want you to achieve:

1. Have a wide social circle, with a few close friends that you can depend on no matter what. Who knows how one day your wide social circle could be more of an advantage that a burden (probably because of all those group meetings, I assume if you think that way.)?

2. Write a book and make it into a movie. Have Rowan as your main character, Emma (you know which one) as your best friend in the movie, and have yourself as the other main character.

3. Love lots of people. Please remember all those times where your family and friends have loved you, and love them back with everything that you have got.

And finally,

4. Live life to the fullest. Life is for you to enjoy, not to endure.

I hope that you can one day accomplish all of the four things! All the best!

Best regards,

The 12-Year-Old You,

Singapore 2017



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