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初二英语作文:A Short Play

2019-12-18 04:00:02

初二英语作文:A Short Play (P: A policeman. T: A thief )

P: Where were you at 11 o’clock last Sunday ?

T: I was at hpme.

P: What were you doing at home when it was 11:15 a.m.?

T: I was watching a basketball mach.

P: Are you kidding me? There weren’t any maches at that time.

T: I think...you forgot it...

P: No, I checked it. You are kidding me.Tell me the truth.

T: OK. Im sorry I stole a bike in the park.

P: Where is the bike now?

T: I sold it.

P: Who bought it?

T: I don’t know. She is a stranger.

P: OK! You’ll be punished.

( The thief is crying.)



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