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Love from my parents

2019-12-21 01:30:01

Love from my parents

As we know,life is full of love and love can bring us happiness and pleasure.My parents love me very much and they give me a lot.

when I'm in trouble ,my father often encourages me :"Where there is a will ,there is a way."He always smiles at me and gives me some advice.With the help of my father,I can get out of the trouble easily.

when I'm ill,my mother looks after me carefully and keeps her eyes open all night.No matter how tired she is ,she washes my chothes and cooks meals for me .She gives me so much but asks nothing in return.

when I make great progress,my parents feel very happy and they often say:"You should work harder to get good marks again."They give me courage and power ,and make my life full of sunshine .But when I make mistakes,they are strict with me and they criticise me loudly.It makes me feel sad,so I won't make the same mistake again.

Parents's love is like a bottle of wine.The longer it keeps ,the better it will be.So we should value their love and do what we can do to help them.




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