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Learning to learn_学会学习英语作文350字

2019-12-27 06:00:01

How do you learn? Will you study? Do you want to be a good student? Everyone has the ability to learn, but the quality of learning depends on your study habits. Excellent students have good study habits.

When you build interest in learning, your brain becomes active, and you're more likely to focus on it for a long time. Good students combine the knowledge of learning with interesting things that make it easier for them to learn and not get bored.

Good students know what they are good at and what needs to be practiced, and that good students are never afraid to make mistakes and succeed in their mistakes. Even if there is something you learn well, you will forget it if you don't use it. Therefore, you should practice more and learn from your mistakes.

It's not enough to study hard, and you have to have a way to learn. You can write down keywords, or you can record your learning by thinking about it in your head. You can preview or review your knowledge by writing notes or watching learning video. When you encounter a problem that is not going to happen, you can check your computer, book, or ask your teacher about it. If you want to be a good student, you have to ask questions.

Never too old to learn, because there will always be new things to come, learning is a lifelong journey, and what you learn will

be part of you and change your destiny. So please study hard!




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