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How i've changed_我的改变作文200字

2019-12-28 22:30:01

My life has changed a lot in the last few years,i used to be afraid of raising my hands in the class,because i thought my answers were wrong,i didn't want to stand in public,when the teacher ask me,i always felt nervous,but now i am changed,i often raise my hands,and ask questions relaxed,when the teacher praises me,i feel so happy.And then,i used to be nervous when i play with boy,but now,i make a lot of boy friends,and always play with them,i feel i am so brave and to be more outgoing.Last,i used to be angry with someone from time to time,but now,i don't like angry,because i learn to understand someone,and think about myself,i think i couldn't angry with them,because i'm so lucky to meet them.

The biggest change in my life was i am become brave to raise my hands in the class,this is the most important change because my study become better and better,and teachers all like me,and my classmates like me too.




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