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Sad but beautiful_凄美作文200字

2019-12-28 22:45:01

In our life,something unhappy or happy always happened,although we often feel sad or glad,but they sometimes bring some experiences for you. About me,when i was a primary school student,i have two friends,we get on well with each other every day,but one day,a bad thing happened ,after class,my friend Liu scares me,so i'm suddenly angry with her,she say"sorry"from time to time,but i don't understand her,finally we get into a fight with each other.In the end,i feel so sad that i can't do anything carefully,i don't say anything all the time,after school,i think i can't to be that,i must talk with her,so i call her,we talk to much,finally ,we.become better and better. From this thing,i know that friendship are so imortant for us,we must love our friends,also help our friends,don't wait they leave us,start understanding them.




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